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Review   Review       Date Status   Comments   
Electrical 03/21/2016Approved Sheet E101 FLOOR PLAN POWER: Provide window receptacles per NEC 210.62
Electrical 03/21/2016Approved Sheet E100 FLOOR PLAN LIGHTING: Provide wall switch at Equipment platform over panels Per NEC 110.26
Electrical 03/21/2016Approved Sheet A-001 Project Information and Life Safety: Applicable code is the NEC 2011
Plumbing 04/06/2016Approved If no drinking foundations are provide you will be required to supply potable water to customers per 2012 IPC 410.3
Plumbing 03/08/2016Approved Pg P001- please provide additional listings on types of Back Flow Preventers being used.
Structural 03/10/2016Approved Structural Review: Approved. Special Inspection: Rejected. 1. Submit Statement of Special Inspections. (a.) Download form here(copy+paste): (b.) Complete the cover sheet. Note: Statement will be rejected if SIER or GC information is incomplete. (c.) The Statement of Special Inspection shall be completed by  more...
Surveyors  Approved Sheet 02: Source Notes 7. Horizontal datum does not conform to Condition #20. 8. Vertical datum does not conform to Condition #20. Plan Rejected.
Surveyors  Approved Sheet 07: Horizontal datum does not conform to Condition #20. Vertical datum does not conform to Condition #20. Show coordinate values per Condition #20. North arrow contradicts Source Notes on sheet 2. Plan Rejected.
Surveyors  Approved Sheet 07: Previous comment has not been addressed in full. Show coordinate values per Condition #20.
Zoning 06/23/2016Approved Be advised that all mechanical and plumbing work in the garage level, including but not limited to, ductwork, piping, fans, equipment, switches, and sensors shall be installed so as not to encroach into required dimensions of parking spaces including height, width, stall and drive aisle. A minimum height clearance of 98” for handicap van spaces and 84” for all other spaces must be maintained at  more...
Zoning 05/16/2016Approved This approval does not include any exterior signage. Signage will require a separate permit.
Zoning 04/19/2016Approved A full floor plan of the garage levels where condensing units will be added need to be submitted showing the exact location of these units. Also note that all mechanical and plumbing shall be installed so as not to encroach into required dimensions of parking spaces. A minimum height clearance of 98 inches is for handicap van spaces and 84 inches for all other spaces must be maintained at  more...
Zoning 04/19/2016Approved Provide an exterior elevation drawing of the outside air louver on the west elevation. This should conform to the approved facade drawings submitted under the Administrative Change application referenced by zoning tracking number ZADM160213.
Zoning 04/19/2016Approved Demonstrate compliance with Site Plan condition #63A.5(a) which requires approximately 20.5' - 22.5' floor to floor heights along the buildings sidewalk frontages. It appears the proposed plans are showing a lower ceiling height in certain places along the buildings frontage. If the above condition cannot be met then an Administrative Change application may be required for review as a minor  more...
Zoning 04/19/2016Approved Demonstrate compliance with Site Plan condition #35 and #63.A.5(b) which requires the collection, storage, compaction, and removal of trash to occur inside the interior loading space and for the retail space to maintain access to the service corridor/areas. An interior door may need to be added to achieve direct access to the service corridor for trash removal.

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