Review | Review Date | Status | Comments |
Building | 05/29/2019 | Approved | Rejected and returned per request of applicant (Betsy Stagg) |
Building | 06/10/2019 | Approved | Sheet A0100 CODE ANALYSIS: It appears to be that the occupant load at the kitchen area was calculated as an assembly function. Kitchen occupant load can be calculated as 200 SF/Occp including the service counter, Table 1004.1.2. |
Building | 06/10/2019 | Approved | Sheet A0100 CODE ANALYSIS: Based on an occupant load of more than 50, the front entry door (Entry 100), the back of the house door, and the door leading to Service Lobby 110 must be provided with panic hardware and swing in the direction of egress travel, Section 1008.1.10 and 1008.1.2. |
Building | 06/10/2019 | Approved | Sheet A1100 PARTITION, DOOR, & HARDWARE TYPES, SCHEDULES and TYPICAL DETAILS: Please provide on the plans the door hardware schedule for the front entry door (Entry 100), the back of the house door, and the door leading to Service Lobby 110. |
Building | 06/10/2019 | Approved | Sheet A0000 COVER SHEET: Plans must be signed and sealed by an architect or engineer licensed in the State of Virginia. |
Building | 07/09/2019 | Approved | Sheet A0100 CODE ANALYSIS: With an occupant load of less than 50, the use group is now a B-use (Chapter 3). |
Building | 07/09/2019 | Approved | Sheet A0000 COVER SHEET: SUBMIT FIRE ALARM SHOP DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL |
DES:Water/Sewer Engineering | 07/31/2019 | Eplan Review Note | COMMERCIAL INT ALT. 29 NEW DFU'S. APPROVED |
DES:Water/Sewer Engineering | 11/26/2019 | Eplan Review Note | ACTIVE REVISION. NO PLUMBING. MAKING ADA CHNAGES. APPROVED |
Energy | 06/12/2019 | Approved | Sheet P-000 indicates that a tank-type electric water is part of the scope of the permit. Table C404.2 of the 2012 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC) requires that this water heater has a maximum standby loss of not more than 242 BTU/hour.
In the resubmission, revise the Water Heater Schedule on sheet P-000 to state the maximum allowable standby loss (BTU/hour) of the water heater.
Energy | 06/12/2019 | Approved | Sheet M-700 includes a Water Source Heat Pump Unit Schedule. The 2012 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC) Table C403.2.3(2) requires that Water Source Heat Pumps (WSHP) have a minimum COP of 4.2 or higher at 68 degrees F entering water temperature. The design indicates these WSHP units have a COP of 4.03 and 3.82.
In the resubmission revise the WSHP schedule to indicate compliance with Table C403.2.3(2 of the 2012 VECC. |
EPlan Review | 07/31/2019 | Approved | --N/A-- |
EPlan Review | 11/26/2019 | Approved | --N/A-- |
Plumbing | 06/12/2019 | Approved | 6-12-19 Pg P300 AAV will require a Relief Vent. 2012 VPC 918.3.1 |
Plumbing | 07/08/2019 | Approved | 7-8-19 Pg P300 There are 2 SK-3 shown on plans, Which is a 3-compartment sink is this an error? if not please correct connection to GI and calculations.
Thank you for addressing past comment.. |
Plumbing | 07/08/2019 | Approved | Sheet P-300 Plumbing Riser Diagrams: A Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at |
Public Health Division | 06/13/2019 | Approved | Sheet MENU: The asterisk must be located near the food item that is served/offered undercooked (ex. poached eggs*). |
Public Health Division | 06/13/2019 | Approved | A Northern Virginia certified food manager card must be obtained for the pre-opening inspection and all hours of operation. The Learn2Serve certificate may be used to obtain the Northern Virginia certified food manager card at ORS Interactive located 6066 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 22041 703-533-7600. |
TE&O As-Built | 03/15/2018 | Approved | Sheet 14: 1. Remove all other layers from plan except that associated with street light circuit.
2. Street name "Wilson Blvd" is not shown on plan as it is one of the streets bordering the project.
3. Include notes indicating the following:
a. Date of Inspection
b. Date of Activation
c. Name of Inspector
d. Pole height and color
e. Circuit breaker size and color code of cable feeding each circuit. (ex. Circuit A - Black cable, Circuit B.
Red Cable)
f. Check location of Meter Pedestal and relocate on plan if necessary.
4. Plan does not show conduit run from east side to west side of N. Adams St.
5. Plan does not show junction box on N. west side of N. Adams St.
6. Remove Street light fixture and P |
TE&O As-Built | 03/22/2018 | Approved | Sheet 07: Please address Alton's 03/15/18 and Steve's 03/22/18 comments and resubmit. |
TE&O As-Built | 07/03/2018 | Approved | Sheet 14: Dominion Energy Meter Number Not Included In Plan Notes. |
Zoning | 06/24/2019 | Approved | Approve interior Alterations for a new tenant build out for retail space (coffee/restaurant).
No exterior alterations proposed with this permit.
Signs are not approved with this permit and require separate applications.
Window/store front transparency must be maintained at all time as required by site plan conditions.
Access to interior service corridor must be maintained at all time. |