Permit Comments
Permit #B2000207
Address1550 CRYSTAL DR
Applied Date27/01/2020
Approved Date21/05/2020
Date Issued21/05/2020

ReviewReview DateStatusComments
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Clarify hardware set for door 102B. Door type is shown as swinging, but hardware set is for sliding doors.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with hardware set HS01 must comply with section 1010.1.9.3 (2) VUSBC 2015.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with bottom rails must comply with 2009 A117.1 section 404.2.9 door surface. Bottom rail should be 10 inches.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on ESD 119C, it should have panic hardware. Door 119A has panic and there should be panic to the discharge.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on double door exit at existing building corridor.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on door 106B ESD. Free egress required.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet 0G-006_GENERAL INFORMATION: Vertical dimension for horizontal grab bar is to top of bar, not centerline. 2009 A117.1 604.5.2
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Clarify hardware set for door 102B. Door type is shown as swinging, but hardware set is for sliding doors.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with hardware set HS01 must comply with section 1010.1.9.3 (2) VUSBC 2015.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with bottom rails must comply with 2009 A117.1 section 404.2.9 door surface. Bottom rail should be 10 inches.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on ESD 119C, it should have panic hardware. Door 119A has panic and there should be panic to the discharge.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on double door exit at existing building corridor.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on door 106B ESD. Free egress required.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet 0G-006_GENERAL INFORMATION: Vertical dimension for horizontal grab bar is to top of bar, not centerline. 2009 A117.1 604.5.2
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Clarify hardware set for door 102B. Door type is shown as swinging, but hardware set is for sliding doors.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with hardware set HS01 must comply with section 1010.1.9.3 (2) VUSBC 2015.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with bottom rails must comply with 2009 A117.1 section 404.2.9 door surface. Bottom rail should be 10 inches.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on ESD 119C, it should have panic hardware. Door 119A has panic and there should be panic to the discharge.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on double door exit at existing building corridor.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on door 106B ESD. Free egress required.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet 0G-006_GENERAL INFORMATION: Vertical dimension for horizontal grab bar is to top of bar, not centerline. 2009 A117.1 604.5.2
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Clarify hardware set for door 102B. Door type is shown as swinging, but hardware set is for sliding doors.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with hardware set HS01 must comply with section 1010.1.9.3 (2) VUSBC 2015.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with bottom rails must comply with 2009 A117.1 section 404.2.9 door surface. Bottom rail should be 10 inches.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on ESD 119C, it should have panic hardware. Door 119A has panic and there should be panic to the discharge.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on double door exit at existing building corridor.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on door 106B ESD. Free egress required.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet 0G-006_GENERAL INFORMATION: Vertical dimension for horizontal grab bar is to top of bar, not centerline. 2009 A117.1 604.5.2
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Clarify hardware set for door 102B. Door type is shown as swinging, but hardware set is for sliding doors.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with hardware set HS01 must comply with section 1010.1.9.3 (2) VUSBC 2015.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with bottom rails must comply with 2009 A117.1 section 404.2.9 door surface. Bottom rail should be 10 inches.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on ESD 119C, it should have panic hardware. Door 119A has panic and there should be panic to the discharge.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on double door exit at existing building corridor.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on door 106B ESD. Free egress required.
Building02/05/2020RejectedSheet 0G-006_GENERAL INFORMATION: Vertical dimension for horizontal grab bar is to top of bar, not centerline. 2009 A117.1 604.5.2
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Clarify hardware set for door 102B. Door type is shown as swinging, but hardware set is for sliding doors.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with hardware set HS01 must comply with section 1010.1.9.3 (2) VUSBC 2015.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with bottom rails must comply with 2009 A117.1 section 404.2.9 door surface. Bottom rail should be 10 inches.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on ESD 119C, it should have panic hardware. Door 119A has panic and there should be panic to the discharge.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on double door exit at existing building corridor.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on door 106B ESD. Free egress required.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet 0G-006_GENERAL INFORMATION: Vertical dimension for horizontal grab bar is to top of bar, not centerline. 2009 A117.1 604.5.2
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Clarify hardware set for door 102B. Door type is shown as swinging, but hardware set is for sliding doors.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with hardware set HS01 must comply with section 1010.1.9.3 (2) VUSBC 2015.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Doors with bottom rails must comply with 2009 A117.1 section 404.2.9 door surface. Bottom rail should be 10 inches.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on ESD 119C, it should have panic hardware. Door 119A has panic and there should be panic to the discharge.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on double door exit at existing building corridor.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide door hardware on door 106B ESD. Free egress required.
Building02/05/2020ApprovedSheet 0G-006_GENERAL INFORMATION: Vertical dimension for horizontal grab bar is to top of bar, not centerline. 2009 A117.1 604.5.2
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Provide the hardware set on the plan for door 119C which should be 1-1/2 rated with fire hardware in an exit passageway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 3/16/2021: NOTE FOR HARDWARE SET 8, CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD SPECIFIED, NO DELAYED EGRESS IS SHOWN. ANY DELAYED EGRESS MUST BE INTEGRAL TO DOOR OPERATION. DOOR TO REMAIN POSITVE LATCHING WHEN IN UNLOCKED POSITION. SEPARATE HARDWARE PERMIT FOR SPECIALTY LOCKS REQUIRED. COMPLY WITH 1010.1.9.7 AND 716.5.9.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Provide the hardware set on the plan for door 119C which should be 1-1/2 rated with fire hardware in an exit passageway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 3/16/2021: NOTE FOR HARDWARE SET 8, CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD SPECIFIED, NO DELAYED EGRESS IS SHOWN. ANY DELAYED EGRESS MUST BE INTEGRAL TO DOOR OPERATION. DOOR TO REMAIN POSITVE LATCHING WHEN IN UNLOCKED POSITION. SEPARATE HARDWARE PERMIT FOR SPECIALTY LOCKS REQUIRED. COMPLY WITH 1010.1.9.7 AND 716.5.9.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Approved Engineering judgement letter referencing structural foam insulation and signed by the Building Official is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: 3M Anti Graffiti Window film product data sheet is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Arlington County Industrial/Commercial Wastewater User Survey is attached to Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Approved Engineering judgement letter referencing structural foam insulation and signed by the Building Official is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: 3M Anti Graffiti Window film product data sheet is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Arlington County Industrial/Commercial Wastewater User Survey is attached to Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Provide the hardware set on the plan for door 119C which should be 1-1/2 rated with fire hardware in an exit passageway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 3/16/2021: NOTE FOR HARDWARE SET 8, CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD SPECIFIED, NO DELAYED EGRESS IS SHOWN. ANY DELAYED EGRESS MUST BE INTEGRAL TO DOOR OPERATION. DOOR TO REMAIN POSITVE LATCHING WHEN IN UNLOCKED POSITION. SEPARATE HARDWARE PERMIT FOR SPECIALTY LOCKS REQUIRED. COMPLY WITH 1010.1.9.7 AND 716.5.9.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Approved Engineering judgement letter referencing structural foam insulation and signed by the Building Official is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: 3M Anti Graffiti Window film product data sheet is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Arlington County Industrial/Commercial Wastewater User Survey is attached to Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Provide the hardware set on the plan for door 119C which should be 1-1/2 rated with fire hardware in an exit passageway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 3/16/2021: NOTE FOR HARDWARE SET 8, CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD SPECIFIED, NO DELAYED EGRESS IS SHOWN. ANY DELAYED EGRESS MUST BE INTEGRAL TO DOOR OPERATION. DOOR TO REMAIN POSITVE LATCHING WHEN IN UNLOCKED POSITION. SEPARATE HARDWARE PERMIT FOR SPECIALTY LOCKS REQUIRED. COMPLY WITH 1010.1.9.7 AND 716.5.9.
Building03/16/2021RejectedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Approved Engineering judgement letter referencing structural foam insulation and signed by the Building Official is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021RejectedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: 3M Anti Graffiti Window film product data sheet is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021RejectedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Arlington County Industrial/Commercial Wastewater User Survey is attached to Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Provide the hardware set on the plan for door 119C which should be 1-1/2 rated with fire hardware in an exit passageway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 3/16/2021: NOTE FOR HARDWARE SET 8, CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD SPECIFIED, NO DELAYED EGRESS IS SHOWN. ANY DELAYED EGRESS MUST BE INTEGRAL TO DOOR OPERATION. DOOR TO REMAIN POSITVE LATCHING WHEN IN UNLOCKED POSITION. SEPARATE HARDWARE PERMIT FOR SPECIALTY LOCKS REQUIRED. COMPLY WITH 1010.1.9.7 AND 716.5.9.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Provide the hardware set on the plan for door 119C which should be 1-1/2 rated with fire hardware in an exit passageway. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 3/16/2021: NOTE FOR HARDWARE SET 8, CONCEALED VERTICAL ROD SPECIFIED, NO DELAYED EGRESS IS SHOWN. ANY DELAYED EGRESS MUST BE INTEGRAL TO DOOR OPERATION. DOOR TO REMAIN POSITVE LATCHING WHEN IN UNLOCKED POSITION. SEPARATE HARDWARE PERMIT FOR SPECIALTY LOCKS REQUIRED. COMPLY WITH 1010.1.9.7 AND 716.5.9.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Approved Engineering judgement letter referencing structural foam insulation and signed by the Building Official is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: 3M Anti Graffiti Window film product data sheet is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Arlington County Industrial/Commercial Wastewater User Survey is attached to Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Approved Engineering judgement letter referencing structural foam insulation and signed by the Building Official is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: 3M Anti Graffiti Window film product data sheet is attached to the Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building03/16/2021ApprovedSheet 0G-001_COVER SHEET: Arlington County Industrial/Commercial Wastewater User Survey is attached to Architect's Response letter dated 3.01.2021.
Building07/28/2020ApprovedSheet A-510_SLAB PENETRATION DETAILS: Provide UL listed design number for fire rated penetrations for inspector on site. 714.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/28/2020ApprovedSheet A-510_SLAB PENETRATION DETAILS: Provide UL listed design number for fire rated penetrations for inspector on site. 714.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/28/2020RejectedSheet A-510_SLAB PENETRATION DETAILS: Provide UL listed design number for fire rated penetrations for inspector on site. 714.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/28/2020ApprovedSheet A-510_SLAB PENETRATION DETAILS: Provide UL listed design number for fire rated penetrations for inspector on site. 714.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/28/2020ApprovedSheet A-510_SLAB PENETRATION DETAILS: Provide UL listed design number for fire rated penetrations for inspector on site. 714.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/28/2020RejectedSheet A-510_SLAB PENETRATION DETAILS: Provide UL listed design number for fire rated penetrations for inspector on site. 714.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/28/2020ApprovedSheet A-510_SLAB PENETRATION DETAILS: Provide UL listed design number for fire rated penetrations for inspector on site. 714.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020ApprovedI don't see sheet A-140 uploaded. Please submit. 109.3 VUSBC 2015
Building07/30/2020ApprovedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT & BACK OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020RejectedI don't see sheet A-140 uploaded. Please submit. 109.3 VUSBC 2015
Building07/30/2020RejectedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Provide the hardware set on the plan for door 119C which should be 1-1/2 rated with fire hardware in an exit passageway.
Building07/30/2020RejectedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT & BACK OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020ApprovedI don't see sheet A-140 uploaded. Please submit. 109.3 VUSBC 2015
Building07/30/2020ApprovedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT & BACK OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020ApprovedI don't see sheet A-140 uploaded. Please submit. 109.3 VUSBC 2015
Building07/30/2020ApprovedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT & BACK OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020RejectedI don't see sheet A-140 uploaded. Please submit. 109.3 VUSBC 2015
Building07/30/2020RejectedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT & BACK OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020ApprovedI don't see sheet A-140 uploaded. Please submit. 109.3 VUSBC 2015
Building07/30/2020ApprovedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT & BACK OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building07/30/2020ApprovedI don't see sheet A-140 uploaded. Please submit. 109.3 VUSBC 2015
Building07/30/2020ApprovedSheet A-404_INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (FRONT & BACK OF HOUSE): Public restroom finishes have changed. Floor and wall finishes must comply with 1210.2 VUSBC 2015. Provide finish schedule, I don't see this in the set. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/02/2021RejectedSheet A-122_COOLER AND FREEZER SECTIONS: Please note plywood on new steel platform to be FRT. Non-combustible construction required, or FRT, Class A material.
Building08/02/2021ApprovedSheet A-122_COOLER AND FREEZER SECTIONS: Please note plywood on new steel platform to be FRT. Non-combustible construction required, or FRT, Class A material.
Building08/03/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Security grille 105A should comply with 1010.1.4.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/03/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Security grille 105A should comply with 1010.1.4.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/03/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Security grille 105A should comply with 1010.1.4.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/03/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Security grille 105A should comply with 1010.1.4.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/03/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Security grille 105A should comply with 1010.1.4.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/03/2020RejectedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Security grille 105A should comply with 1010.1.4.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/03/2020ApprovedSheet A-600_DOOR TYPES, SCHEDULES, & DETAILS: Security grille 105A should comply with 1010.1.4.4 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-582_ELEVATOR DETAILS AND SECTIONS: Clarify if shaft ceiling assembly is included in a different building permit and provide that permit number. If it is to be built under this permit, then provide a UL design listing detail. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-580_STAIR PLANS AND SECTIONS: Coordinate stair slab edge and structural detail shown on S-503, with the modification to allow rigid foam insulation (combustible material) in a non-combustible building. Refer to Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020. Show how insulation will be encased by 7" concrete min. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-113_OVERALL SLAB PLANS: Clarify if new structural corrugated metal deck with concrete slab "by Landlord" is constructed in a separate building permit. If assembly is to be included in this permit, provide details and UL design listing. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020RejectedSheet A-582_ELEVATOR DETAILS AND SECTIONS: Clarify if shaft ceiling assembly is included in a different building permit and provide that permit number. If it is to be built under this permit, then provide a UL design listing detail. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020RejectedSheet A-580_STAIR PLANS AND SECTIONS: Coordinate stair slab edge and structural detail shown on S-503, with the modification to allow rigid foam insulation (combustible material) in a non-combustible building. Refer to Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020. Show how insulation will be encased by 7" concrete min. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020RejectedSheet A-113_OVERALL SLAB PLANS: Clarify if new structural corrugated metal deck with concrete slab "by Landlord" is constructed in a separate building permit. If assembly is to be included in this permit, provide details and UL design listing. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020RejectedProvide written agreement with Building Official or approved code modification, allowing structural foam (combustible material in a non-combustible building) per 603.1. Agreement must indicate all penetrations in the area where structural foam is proposed, including details showing penetrations of the top slab and structural slab. Letter from Jensen Hughes dated July 14, 2020 and provided to ACG for preliminary review is insufficient. Include with revised letter, penetration details in the location of structural foam. Include in details how 7" min. concrete (Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020) will be maintained at penetrations and comply with 603.1. Also note that the letter from McMullan Engineers dated July 17, 2020 states "Ce
Building08/04/2020ApprovedProvide written agreement with Building Official or approved code modification, allowing structural foam (combustible material in a non-combustible building) per 603.1. Agreement must indicate all penetrations in the area where structural foam is proposed, including details showing penetrations of the top slab and structural slab. Letter from Jensen Hughes dated July 14, 2020 and provided to ACG for preliminary review is insufficient. Include with revised letter, penetration details in the location of structural foam. Include in details how 7" min. concrete (Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020) will be maintained at penetrations and comply with 603.1. Also note that the letter from McMullan Engineers dated July 17, 2020 states "Ce
Building08/04/2020ApprovedClearly show on a plan, the exact extent of structural foam support. Sheet S-101 notes foam, but the extent is unclear. There are also section details at the stair showing the foam that is not indicated on the plan. It would be helpful to provide spot thickness (location and thickness of structural foam on plan).
Building08/04/2020RejectedClearly show on a plan, the exact extent of structural foam support. Sheet S-101 notes foam, but the extent is unclear. There are also section details at the stair showing the foam that is not indicated on the plan. It would be helpful to provide spot thickness (location and thickness of structural foam on plan).
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-582_ELEVATOR DETAILS AND SECTIONS: Clarify if shaft ceiling assembly is included in a different building permit and provide that permit number. If it is to be built under this permit, then provide a UL design listing detail. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-580_STAIR PLANS AND SECTIONS: Coordinate stair slab edge and structural detail shown on S-503, with the modification to allow rigid foam insulation (combustible material) in a non-combustible building. Refer to Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020. Show how insulation will be encased by 7" concrete min. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-113_OVERALL SLAB PLANS: Clarify if new structural corrugated metal deck with concrete slab "by Landlord" is constructed in a separate building permit. If assembly is to be included in this permit, provide details and UL design listing. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedProvide written agreement with Building Official or approved code modification, allowing structural foam (combustible material in a non-combustible building) per 603.1. Agreement must indicate all penetrations in the area where structural foam is proposed, including details showing penetrations of the top slab and structural slab. Letter from Jensen Hughes dated July 14, 2020 and provided to ACG for preliminary review is insufficient. Include with revised letter, penetration details in the location of structural foam. Include in details how 7" min. concrete (Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020) will be maintained at penetrations and comply with 603.1. Also note that the letter from McMullan Engineers dated July 17, 2020 states "Ce
Building08/04/2020ApprovedClearly show on a plan, the exact extent of structural foam support. Sheet S-101 notes foam, but the extent is unclear. There are also section details at the stair showing the foam that is not indicated on the plan. It would be helpful to provide spot thickness (location and thickness of structural foam on plan).
Building08/04/2020ApprovedProvide written agreement with Building Official or approved code modification, allowing structural foam (combustible material in a non-combustible building) per 603.1. Agreement must indicate all penetrations in the area where structural foam is proposed, including details showing penetrations of the top slab and structural slab. Letter from Jensen Hughes dated July 14, 2020 and provided to ACG for preliminary review is insufficient. Include with revised letter, penetration details in the location of structural foam. Include in details how 7" min. concrete (Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020) will be maintained at penetrations and comply with 603.1. Also note that the letter from McMullan Engineers dated July 17, 2020 states "Ce
Building08/04/2020ApprovedClearly show on a plan, the exact extent of structural foam support. Sheet S-101 notes foam, but the extent is unclear. There are also section details at the stair showing the foam that is not indicated on the plan. It would be helpful to provide spot thickness (location and thickness of structural foam on plan).
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-582_ELEVATOR DETAILS AND SECTIONS: Clarify if shaft ceiling assembly is included in a different building permit and provide that permit number. If it is to be built under this permit, then provide a UL design listing detail. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-580_STAIR PLANS AND SECTIONS: Coordinate stair slab edge and structural detail shown on S-503, with the modification to allow rigid foam insulation (combustible material) in a non-combustible building. Refer to Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020. Show how insulation will be encased by 7" concrete min. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-113_OVERALL SLAB PLANS: Clarify if new structural corrugated metal deck with concrete slab "by Landlord" is constructed in a separate building permit. If assembly is to be included in this permit, provide details and UL design listing. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedProvide written agreement with Building Official or approved code modification, allowing structural foam (combustible material in a non-combustible building) per 603.1. Agreement must indicate all penetrations in the area where structural foam is proposed, including details showing penetrations of the top slab and structural slab. Letter from Jensen Hughes dated July 14, 2020 and provided to ACG for preliminary review is insufficient. Include with revised letter, penetration details in the location of structural foam. Include in details how 7" min. concrete (Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020) will be maintained at penetrations and comply with 603.1. Also note that the letter from McMullan Engineers dated July 17, 2020 states "Ce
Building08/04/2020ApprovedClearly show on a plan, the exact extent of structural foam support. Sheet S-101 notes foam, but the extent is unclear. There are also section details at the stair showing the foam that is not indicated on the plan. It would be helpful to provide spot thickness (location and thickness of structural foam on plan).
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-582_ELEVATOR DETAILS AND SECTIONS: Clarify if shaft ceiling assembly is included in a different building permit and provide that permit number. If it is to be built under this permit, then provide a UL design listing detail. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-580_STAIR PLANS AND SECTIONS: Coordinate stair slab edge and structural detail shown on S-503, with the modification to allow rigid foam insulation (combustible material) in a non-combustible building. Refer to Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020. Show how insulation will be encased by 7" concrete min. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-113_OVERALL SLAB PLANS: Clarify if new structural corrugated metal deck with concrete slab "by Landlord" is constructed in a separate building permit. If assembly is to be included in this permit, provide details and UL design listing. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedProvide written agreement with Building Official or approved code modification, allowing structural foam (combustible material in a non-combustible building) per 603.1. Agreement must indicate all penetrations in the area where structural foam is proposed, including details showing penetrations of the top slab and structural slab. Letter from Jensen Hughes dated July 14, 2020 and provided to ACG for preliminary review is insufficient. Include with revised letter, penetration details in the location of structural foam. Include in details how 7" min. concrete (Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020) will be maintained at penetrations and comply with 603.1. Also note that the letter from McMullan Engineers dated July 17, 2020 states "Ce
Building08/04/2020ApprovedClearly show on a plan, the exact extent of structural foam support. Sheet S-101 notes foam, but the extent is unclear. There are also section details at the stair showing the foam that is not indicated on the plan. It would be helpful to provide spot thickness (location and thickness of structural foam on plan).
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-582_ELEVATOR DETAILS AND SECTIONS: Clarify if shaft ceiling assembly is included in a different building permit and provide that permit number. If it is to be built under this permit, then provide a UL design listing detail. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-580_STAIR PLANS AND SECTIONS: Coordinate stair slab edge and structural detail shown on S-503, with the modification to allow rigid foam insulation (combustible material) in a non-combustible building. Refer to Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020. Show how insulation will be encased by 7" concrete min. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020ApprovedSheet A-113_OVERALL SLAB PLANS: Clarify if new structural corrugated metal deck with concrete slab "by Landlord" is constructed in a separate building permit. If assembly is to be included in this permit, provide details and UL design listing. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020RejectedProvide written agreement with Building Official or approved code modification, allowing structural foam (combustible material in a non-combustible building) per 603.1. Agreement must indicate all penetrations in the area where structural foam is proposed, including details showing penetrations of the top slab and structural slab. Letter from Jensen Hughes dated July 14, 2020 and provided to ACG for preliminary review is insufficient. Include with revised letter, penetration details in the location of structural foam. Include in details how 7" min. concrete (Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020) will be maintained at penetrations and comply with 603.1. Also note that the letter from McMullan Engineers dated July 17, 2020 states "Ce
Building08/04/2020RejectedClearly show on a plan, the exact extent of structural foam support. Sheet S-101 notes foam, but the extent is unclear. There are also section details at the stair showing the foam that is not indicated on the plan. It would be helpful to provide spot thickness (location and thickness of structural foam on plan).
Building08/04/2020RejectedSheet A-582_ELEVATOR DETAILS AND SECTIONS: Clarify if shaft ceiling assembly is included in a different building permit and provide that permit number. If it is to be built under this permit, then provide a UL design listing detail. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020RejectedSheet A-580_STAIR PLANS AND SECTIONS: Coordinate stair slab edge and structural detail shown on S-503, with the modification to allow rigid foam insulation (combustible material) in a non-combustible building. Refer to Jensen Hughes letter dated July 14, 2020. Show how insulation will be encased by 7" concrete min. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/04/2020RejectedSheet A-113_OVERALL SLAB PLANS: Clarify if new structural corrugated metal deck with concrete slab "by Landlord" is constructed in a separate building permit. If assembly is to be included in this permit, provide details and UL design listing. 109.3 VUSBC 2015.
Building08/05/2021RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide maneuvering clearances at ingress side of door 119A. 404.2.3 A117.1 2009.
Building08/05/2021RejectedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: I don't see a scheduled hardware set for door 119A. This door cannot lock, as it is part of the egress for the floor which requires access to two exits. If someone is in Corridor 2 and door 119C is blocked, re-entry through 119A is required. This space requires access to two exits.
Building08/05/2021ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: Provide maneuvering clearances at ingress side of door 119A. 404.2.3 A117.1 2009.
Building08/05/2021ApprovedSheet A-102_GROCERY LEVEL CONSTRUCTION PLAN BOH: I don't see a scheduled hardware set for door 119A. This door cannot lock, as it is part of the egress for the floor which requires access to two exits. If someone is in Corridor 2 and door 119C is blocked, re-entry through 119A is required. This space requires access to two exits.
DES:Water/Sewer Engineering03/15/2021ApprovedACTIVE REVISION
DES:Water/Sewer Engineering07/26/2021ApprovedACTIVE REVISION ONLY
Electrical04/08/2020ApprovedNewly submitted sheets are duplicated, i.e. E-301 and E-301A, both sheets showing Panel schedules with slightly varied info.
Electrical04/08/2020ApprovedSheet E-301A_ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES: Clarify the 225Kva is feeding New panels.
Electrical 04/08/2020ApprovedSheet E-301A_ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES: Clarify the 225Kva is feeding New panels.
Electrical 04/08/2020ApprovedNewly submitted sheets are duplicated, i.e. E-301 and E-301A, both sheets showing Panel schedules with slightly varied info.
Electrical04/08/2020ApprovedNewly submitted sheets are duplicated, i.e. E-301 and E-301A, both sheets showing Panel schedules with slightly varied info.
Electrical04/08/2020ApprovedSheet E-301A_ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES: Clarify the 225Kva is feeding New panels.
Electrical04/08/2020ApprovedNewly submitted sheets are duplicated, i.e. E-301 and E-301A, both sheets showing Panel schedules with slightly varied info.
Electrical04/08/2020ApprovedSheet E-301A_ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES: Clarify the 225Kva is feeding New panels.
Electrical06/14/2021No review required--N/A--
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) windows/storefronts are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these windows/storefronts satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE windows/storefronts will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the window/storefront schedule to state the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE windows/storefronts on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings appear to call for cooler/freezer walls, floors and ceilings with R-values that are below the minimum requirements of section C403.2.16 the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for of the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe drawings indicate that refrigerated display cases are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the design satisfies the requirements of section C403.2.17-1. This section pertains to the lighting controls of refrigerated display cases. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to state how the lighting controls of the refrigerated display cases will operate.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe drawings indicate the elevators are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the elevators satisfy the requirements of section C405.9.1 of the 2015 VECC. This section requires that lighting and ventilation systems de-energize when the elevator is stopped, unoccupied and with its doors closed for over 15 minutes. In the resubmission, state the sequence of operations of the elevator ventilation and lighting systems on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedSheet G-007 incudes the Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet. The sheet is incomplete. Requirement number 18 has not been stamped and signed. In the resubmission, submit a complete Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water circulating pump is part of the scope of the permit. The piping that is part of the hot water circulation system (both supply and return sides) must be insulated in accordance with Section C404.4 and Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). Also, hot water piping from the water heater to the termination of the heated water fixture supply pipe shall be insulated in accordance with Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to include a piping insulation schedule that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of section C404.4 the 2015 VECC. State on the drawings where the insulation will be installed. The drawings clearly state
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) windows/storefronts are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these windows/storefronts satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE windows/storefronts will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the window/storefront schedule to state the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE windows/storefronts on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings appear to call for cooler/freezer walls, floors and ceilings with R-values that are below the minimum requirements of section C403.2.16 the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for of the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe drawings indicate that refrigerated display cases are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the design satisfies the requirements of section C403.2.17-1. This section pertains to the lighting controls of refrigerated display cases. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to state how the lighting controls of the refrigerated display cases will operate.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe drawings indicate the elevators are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the elevators satisfy the requirements of section C405.9.1 of the 2015 VECC. This section requires that lighting and ventilation systems de-energize when the elevator is stopped, unoccupied and with its doors closed for over 15 minutes. In the resubmission, state the sequence of operations of the elevator ventilation and lighting systems on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedSheet G-007 incudes the Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet. The sheet is incomplete. Requirement number 18 has not been stamped and signed. In the resubmission, submit a complete Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water circulating pump is part of the scope of the permit. The piping that is part of the hot water circulation system (both supply and return sides) must be insulated in accordance with Section C404.4 and Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). Also, hot water piping from the water heater to the termination of the heated water fixture supply pipe shall be insulated in accordance with Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to include a piping insulation schedule that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of section C404.4 the 2015 VECC. State on the drawings where the insulation will be installed. The drawings clearly state
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) windows/storefronts are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these windows/storefronts satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE windows/storefronts will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the window/storefront schedule to state the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE windows/storefronts on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings appear to call for cooler/freezer walls, floors and ceilings with R-values that are below the minimum requirements of section C403.2.16 the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for of the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe drawings indicate that refrigerated display cases are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the design satisfies the requirements of section C403.2.17-1. This section pertains to the lighting controls of refrigerated display cases. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to state how the lighting controls of the refrigerated display cases will operate.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe drawings indicate the elevators are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the elevators satisfy the requirements of section C405.9.1 of the 2015 VECC. This section requires that lighting and ventilation systems de-energize when the elevator is stopped, unoccupied and with its doors closed for over 15 minutes. In the resubmission, state the sequence of operations of the elevator ventilation and lighting systems on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedSheet G-007 incudes the Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet. The sheet is incomplete. Requirement number 18 has not been stamped and signed. In the resubmission, submit a complete Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet.
Energy02/11/2020ApprovedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water circulating pump is part of the scope of the permit. The piping that is part of the hot water circulation system (both supply and return sides) must be insulated in accordance with Section C404.4 and Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). Also, hot water piping from the water heater to the termination of the heated water fixture supply pipe shall be insulated in accordance with Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to include a piping insulation schedule that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of section C404.4 the 2015 VECC. State on the drawings where the insulation will be installed. The drawings clearly state
Energy 02/11/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings appear to call for cooler/freezer walls, floors and ceilings with R-values that are below the minimum requirements of section C403.2.16 the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for of the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy 02/11/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) windows/storefronts are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these windows/storefronts satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE windows/storefronts will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the window/storefront schedule to state the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE windows/storefronts on the drawings.
Energy 02/11/2020RejectedThe drawings indicate that refrigerated display cases are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the design satisfies the requirements of section C403.2.17-1. This section pertains to the lighting controls of refrigerated display cases. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to state how the lighting controls of the refrigerated display cases will operate.
Energy 02/11/2020RejectedThe drawings indicate the elevators are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the elevators satisfy the requirements of section C405.9.1 of the 2015 VECC. This section requires that lighting and ventilation systems de-energize when the elevator is stopped, unoccupied and with its doors closed for over 15 minutes. In the resubmission, state the sequence of operations of the elevator ventilation and lighting systems on the drawings.
Energy 02/11/2020RejectedSheet G-007 incudes the Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet. The sheet is incomplete. Requirement number 18 has not been stamped and signed. In the resubmission, submit a complete Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet.
Energy 02/11/2020RejectedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water circulating pump is part of the scope of the permit. The piping that is part of the hot water circulation system (both supply and return sides) must be insulated in accordance with Section C404.4 and Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). Also, hot water piping from the water heater to the termination of the heated water fixture supply pipe shall be insulated in accordance with Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to include a piping insulation schedule that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of section C404.4 the 2015 VECC. State on the drawings where the insulation will be installed. The drawings clearly state
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) windows/storefronts are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these windows/storefronts satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE windows/storefronts will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the window/storefront schedule to state the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE windows/storefronts on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings appear to call for cooler/freezer walls, floors and ceilings with R-values that are below the minimum requirements of section C403.2.16 the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for of the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe drawings indicate that refrigerated display cases are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the design satisfies the requirements of section C403.2.17-1. This section pertains to the lighting controls of refrigerated display cases. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to state how the lighting controls of the refrigerated display cases will operate.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe drawings indicate the elevators are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the elevators satisfy the requirements of section C405.9.1 of the 2015 VECC. This section requires that lighting and ventilation systems de-energize when the elevator is stopped, unoccupied and with its doors closed for over 15 minutes. In the resubmission, state the sequence of operations of the elevator ventilation and lighting systems on the drawings.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedSheet G-007 incudes the Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet. The sheet is incomplete. Requirement number 18 has not been stamped and signed. In the resubmission, submit a complete Arlington County Energy Cover Sheet.
Energy02/11/2020RejectedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water circulating pump is part of the scope of the permit. The piping that is part of the hot water circulation system (both supply and return sides) must be insulated in accordance with Section C404.4 and Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). Also, hot water piping from the water heater to the termination of the heated water fixture supply pipe shall be insulated in accordance with Table C403.2.10 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to include a piping insulation schedule that meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of section C404.4 the 2015 VECC. State on the drawings where the insulation will be installed. The drawings clearly state
Energy03/19/2021RejectedSheet G-007 "Energy Compliance Sheet" has had the stamp and signature removed. The stamp and signature is required.
Energy03/19/2021RejectedThe drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the R-values of the walk-in cooler/freezer doors. Freezer doors are required to have a door R-value of at least R-32 to satisfy the requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy03/19/2021ApprovedSheet G-007 "Energy Compliance Sheet" has had the stamp and signature removed. The stamp and signature is required.
Energy03/19/2021ApprovedThe drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the R-values of the walk-in cooler/freezer doors. Freezer doors are required to have a door R-value of at least R-32 to satisfy the requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy03/19/2021ApprovedSheet G-007 "Energy Compliance Sheet" has had the stamp and signature removed. The stamp and signature is required.
Energy03/19/2021ApprovedThe drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the R-values of the walk-in cooler/freezer doors. Freezer doors are required to have a door R-value of at least R-32 to satisfy the requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy03/19/2021RejectedSheet G-007 "Energy Compliance Sheet" has had the stamp and signature removed. The stamp and signature is required.
Energy03/19/2021RejectedThe drawings indicate that walk-in coolers/freezers are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the R-values of the walk-in cooler/freezer doors. Freezer doors are required to have a door R-value of at least R-32 to satisfy the requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to satisfy the minimum R-value requirements of section C403.2.16 of the 2015 VECC for the walk-in cooler/freezers.
Energy03/19/2021RejectedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water recirculation system is part of the scope of the permit. The pump is required by section C404.6.1 of the 2015 VECC to be fitted with automatic controls to turn off the recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. In the resubmission, show automatic controls that will shut down the hot water recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. State the sequence of operations for the controls on the drawings.
Energy04/12/2021ApprovedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water recirculation system is part of the scope of the permit. The pump is required by section C404.6.1 of the 2015 VECC to be fitted with automatic controls to turn off the recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. In the resubmission, show automatic controls that will shut down the hot water recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. State the sequence of operations for the controls on the drawings. *** 4-12-2021 *** Comment partially addressed. The recirculation pump schedule now shows an aquastat control. However, the aquastat appears to only regulate the temperature of the water in the recirculation loop. There does not appear to be a control that shuts down the p
Energy04/12/2021ApprovedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water recirculation system is part of the scope of the permit. The pump is required by section C404.6.1 of the 2015 VECC to be fitted with automatic controls to turn off the recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. In the resubmission, show automatic controls that will shut down the hot water recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. State the sequence of operations for the controls on the drawings. *** 4-12-2021 *** Comment partially addressed. The recirculation pump schedule now shows an aquastat control. However, the aquastat appears to only regulate the temperature of the water in the recirculation loop. There does not appear to be a control that shuts down the p
Energy04/12/2021RejectedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water recirculation system is part of the scope of the permit. The pump is required by section C404.6.1 of the 2015 VECC to be fitted with automatic controls to turn off the recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. In the resubmission, show automatic controls that will shut down the hot water recirculation pump when there is no hot water demand. State the sequence of operations for the controls on the drawings. *** 4-12-2021 *** Comment partially addressed. The recirculation pump schedule now shows an aquastat control. However, the aquastat appears to only regulate the temperature of the water in the recirculation loop. There does not appear to be a control that shuts down the p
Energy04/15/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) doors are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these doors satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE doors will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the door schedule to indicate which doors are part of the BTE. State the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE doors on the drawings. *** 4/15/2020 *** Comment not addressed. The permit submission indicates the scope of work includes new doors that open from conditioned elevator lobbies into the unconditio
Energy 04/15/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) doors are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these doors satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE doors will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the door schedule to indicate which doors are part of the BTE. State the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE doors on the drawings. *** 4/15/2020 *** Comment not addressed. The permit submission indicates the scope of work includes new doors that open from conditioned elevator lobbies into the unconditio
Energy04/15/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) doors are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these doors satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE doors will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the door schedule to indicate which doors are part of the BTE. State the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE doors on the drawings. *** 4/15/2020 *** Comment not addressed. The permit submission indicates the scope of work includes new doors that open from conditioned elevator lobbies into the unconditio
Energy04/15/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) doors are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these doors satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE doors will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the door schedule to indicate which doors are part of the BTE. State the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE doors on the drawings. *** 4/15/2020 *** Comment not addressed. The permit submission indicates the scope of work includes new doors that open from conditioned elevator lobbies into the unconditio
Energy04/15/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that new building thermal envelope (BTE) doors are part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if these doors satisfy the U-factor and SHGC requirements of Table C402.4 of the 2015 Virginia Energy Conservation Code (VECC). In addition, it is unclear if the new BTE doors will satisfy the air infiltration requirements of Table C402.5.2 of the 2015 VECC. In the resubmission, revise the door schedule to indicate which doors are part of the BTE. State the U-factor, SHGC and air infiltration rates for the BTE doors on the drawings. *** 4/15/2020 *** Comment not addressed. The permit submission indicates the scope of work includes new doors that open from conditioned elevator lobbies into the unconditio
Energy07/30/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that the G2 and G3 level elevator lobby walls and doors have been removed from the scope of the permit. These walls and doors were previously part of the building thermal envelope. The project must maintain a continuous building thermal envelope. Section C402.5.4 of the 2015 VECC requires that such doors be gasketed, weatherstripped or sealed. It is unclear how the elevator doors that open directly into the unconditioned garage will serve as part of the building thermal envelope. In the resubmission, show a continuous building thermal envelope. All requirements of section C402.5.2 (Air leakage of fenestration) of the 2015 VECC, including section C402.5.4 (Doors and access openings to shafts, chutes
Energy07/30/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that the G2 and G3 level elevator lobby walls and doors have been removed from the scope of the permit. These walls and doors were previously part of the building thermal envelope. The project must maintain a continuous building thermal envelope. Section C402.5.4 of the 2015 VECC requires that such doors be gasketed, weatherstripped or sealed. It is unclear how the elevator doors that open directly into the unconditioned garage will serve as part of the building thermal envelope. In the resubmission, show a continuous building thermal envelope. All requirements of section C402.5.2 (Air leakage of fenestration) of the 2015 VECC, including section C402.5.4 (Doors and access openings to shafts, chutes
Energy07/30/2020ApprovedThe architectural drawings indicate that the G2 and G3 level elevator lobby walls and doors have been removed from the scope of the permit. These walls and doors were previously part of the building thermal envelope. The project must maintain a continuous building thermal envelope. Section C402.5.4 of the 2015 VECC requires that such doors be gasketed, weatherstripped or sealed. It is unclear how the elevator doors that open directly into the unconditioned garage will serve as part of the building thermal envelope. In the resubmission, show a continuous building thermal envelope. All requirements of section C402.5.2 (Air leakage of fenestration) of the 2015 VECC, including section C402.5.4 (Doors and access openings to shafts, chutes
Energy 07/30/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that the G2 and G3 level elevator lobby walls and doors have been removed from the scope of the permit. These walls and doors were previously part of the building thermal envelope. The project must maintain a continuous building thermal envelope. Section C402.5.4 of the 2015 VECC requires that such doors be gasketed, weatherstripped or sealed. It is unclear how the elevator doors that open directly into the unconditioned garage will serve as part of the building thermal envelope. In the resubmission, show a continuous building thermal envelope. All requirements of section C402.5.2 (Air leakage of fenestration) of the 2015 VECC, including section C402.5.4 (Doors and access openings to shafts, chutes
Energy07/30/2020RejectedThe architectural drawings indicate that the G2 and G3 level elevator lobby walls and doors have been removed from the scope of the permit. These walls and doors were previously part of the building thermal envelope. The project must maintain a continuous building thermal envelope. Section C402.5.4 of the 2015 VECC requires that such doors be gasketed, weatherstripped or sealed. It is unclear how the elevator doors that open directly into the unconditioned garage will serve as part of the building thermal envelope. In the resubmission, show a continuous building thermal envelope. All requirements of section C402.5.2 (Air leakage of fenestration) of the 2015 VECC, including section C402.5.4 (Doors and access openings to shafts, chutes
EPlan Review05/21/2020Approved--N/A--
EPlan Review06/01/2021ApprovedApproved
Fire Prevention06/14/2021No review required--N/A--
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedPlease provide proper access per section 306.7 IMC2015. Please see PCU,FCU and other. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedPlease comply with section 506.5.6 IMC2015 regarding the PCU. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedPlease provide kitchen (cooking) exhaust calculation per section 403.1.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedProvide Grease Duct material per section 506.3.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedPlease provide proper access per section 306.7 IMC2015. Please see PCU,FCU and other. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedPlease comply with section 506.5.6 IMC2015 regarding the PCU. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedPlease provide kitchen (cooking) exhaust calculation per section 403.1.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020ApprovedProvide Grease Duct material per section 506.3.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020RejectedPlease provide proper access per section 306.7 IMC2015. Please see PCU,FCU and other. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020RejectedPlease comply with section 506.5.6 IMC2015 regarding the PCU. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020RejectedPlease provide kitchen (cooking) exhaust calculation per section 403.1.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical02/05/2020RejectedProvide Grease Duct material per section 506.3.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical 02/05/2020ApprovedPlease provide proper access per section 306.7 IMC2015. Please see PCU,FCU and other. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical 02/05/2020ApprovedPlease provide kitchen (cooking) exhaust calculation per section 403.1.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical 02/05/2020ApprovedPlease comply with section 506.5.6 IMC2015 regarding the PCU. (02.05.2020)
Mechanical 02/05/2020ApprovedProvide Grease Duct material per section 506.3.1 IMC2015 (02.05.2020)
Mechanical03/21/2021RejectedPlease provide a "RDP" that's registered in the state of Virginia per section 111.1 IMC2015 (03.22.21)
Mechanical03/21/2021ApprovedPlease provide a "RDP" that's registered in the state of Virginia per section 111.1 IMC2015 (03.22.21)
Mechanical03/21/2021ApprovedPlease provide a "RDP" that's registered in the state of Virginia per section 111.1 IMC2015 (03.22.21)
Mechanical06/14/2021No review required--N/A--
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 Pg P203 Please provide location and detail for Water Heater Expansion Tank. 2015 VPC 607.3
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 3 Compartment provided, Please provide location of Grease Interceptor and complete calculations
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 Pg P203 Please provide location and detail for Water Heater Expansion Tank. 2015 VPC 607.3
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 3 Compartment provided, Please provide location of Grease Interceptor and complete calculations
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 Pg P203 Please provide location and detail for Water Heater Expansion Tank. 2015 VPC 607.3
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 3 Compartment provided, Please provide location of Grease Interceptor and complete calculations
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 Pg P203 Please provide location and detail for Water Heater Expansion Tank. 2015 VPC 607.3
Plumbing02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 3 Compartment provided, Please provide location of Grease Interceptor and complete calculations
Plumbing 02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 Pg P203 Please provide location and detail for Water Heater Expansion Tank. 2015 VPC 607.3
Plumbing 02/05/2020Approved2-5-20 3 Compartment provided, Please provide location of Grease Interceptor and complete calculations
Plumbing06/14/2021No review required--N/A--
Plumbing 07/31/2020ApprovedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Plumbing07/31/2020ApprovedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Plumbing07/31/2020ApprovedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Plumbing07/31/2020ApprovedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Plumbing07/31/2020ApprovedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet F100_EQUIPMENT PLAN: Confirm there will be splashguards on the handwashing sinks located in the kitchen area.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet MENU: Describe "steamed in packaging". Will food products be vacuumed packaged or pressured packaged within the facility?
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedConfirm a mop sink will be installed to dispose of wastewater. Hoses shall not be attached to any faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet F100_EQUIPMENT PLAN: Confirm there will be splashguards on the handwashing sinks located in the kitchen area.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet MENU: Describe "steamed in packaging". Will food products be vacuumed packaged or pressured packaged within the facility?
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedConfirm a mop sink will be installed to dispose of wastewater. Hoses shall not be attached to any faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet F100_EQUIPMENT PLAN: Confirm there will be splashguards on the handwashing sinks located in the kitchen area.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet MENU: Describe "steamed in packaging". Will food products be vacuumed packaged or pressured packaged within the facility?
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedConfirm a mop sink will be installed to dispose of wastewater. Hoses shall not be attached to any faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet F100_EQUIPMENT PLAN: Confirm there will be splashguards on the handwashing sinks located in the kitchen area.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet MENU: Describe "steamed in packaging". Will food products be vacuumed packaged or pressured packaged within the facility?
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedConfirm a mop sink will be installed to dispose of wastewater. Hoses shall not be attached to any faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.
Public Health Division02/06/2020No Review Sheet F100_EQUIPMENT PLAN: Confirm there will be splashguards on the handwashing sinks located in the kitchen area.
Public Health Division02/06/2020No Review Sheet MENU: Describe "steamed in packaging". Will food products be vacuumed packaged or pressured packaged within the facility?
Public Health Division02/06/2020No Review Confirm a mop sink will be installed to dispose of wastewater. Hoses shall not be attached to any faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet F100_EQUIPMENT PLAN: Confirm there will be splashguards on the handwashing sinks located in the kitchen area.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet MENU: Describe "steamed in packaging". Will food products be vacuumed packaged or pressured packaged within the facility?
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedConfirm a mop sink will be installed to dispose of wastewater. Hoses shall not be attached to any faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet F100_EQUIPMENT PLAN: Confirm there will be splashguards on the handwashing sinks located in the kitchen area.
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedSheet MENU: Describe "steamed in packaging". Will food products be vacuumed packaged or pressured packaged within the facility?
Public Health Division02/06/2020ApprovedConfirm a mop sink will be installed to dispose of wastewater. Hoses shall not be attached to any faucet unless a backflow prevention device is installed.
Special Inspection Required05/12/2020Approved--N/A--
Structural 02/06/2020ApprovedAs per sheet S-101 Level G1, it is unclear whether the beams without (E) are existing or new. Please clarify. If new beams, please provide connection details.
Structural 02/06/2020ApprovedProvide G1 level live load on sheet S-000
Structural 02/06/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. Due to the project’s scope of work, Special Inspections will be required. Please submit the Statement of Special Inspections (SSI) packet. This statement is to be prepared by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER), and is used for identifying the structural items that require special inspection. (1) The SSI shall cover the special inspection requirements for the completion of the project. (2) All fields on the SSI must be completed. For irrelevant items, please mark N/A. All relevant items must be marked with the SIER/SER initials. For items not specified in the Statement, please write in the inspection in the field marked “other inspection” on page 59. (3) The SSI shall be signed by the Struct
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedAs per sheet S-101 Level G1, it is unclear whether the beams without (E) are existing or new. Please clarify. If new beams, please provide connection details.
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedProvide G1 level live load on sheet S-000
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. Due to the project’s scope of work, Special Inspections will be required. Please submit the Statement of Special Inspections (SSI) packet. This statement is to be prepared by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER), and is used for identifying the structural items that require special inspection. (1) The SSI shall cover the special inspection requirements for the completion of the project. (2) All fields on the SSI must be completed. For irrelevant items, please mark N/A. All relevant items must be marked with the SIER/SER initials. For items not specified in the Statement, please write in the inspection in the field marked “other inspection” on page 59. (3) The SSI shall be signed by the Struct
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedAs per sheet S-101 Level G1, it is unclear whether the beams without (E) are existing or new. Please clarify. If new beams, please provide connection details.
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedProvide G1 level live load on sheet S-000
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. Due to the project’s scope of work, Special Inspections will be required. Please submit the Statement of Special Inspections (SSI) packet. This statement is to be prepared by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER), and is used for identifying the structural items that require special inspection. (1) The SSI shall cover the special inspection requirements for the completion of the project. (2) All fields on the SSI must be completed. For irrelevant items, please mark N/A. All relevant items must be marked with the SIER/SER initials. For items not specified in the Statement, please write in the inspection in the field marked “other inspection” on page 59. (3) The SSI shall be signed by the Struct
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedAs per sheet S-101 Level G1, it is unclear whether the beams without (E) are existing or new. Please clarify. If new beams, please provide connection details.
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedProvide G1 level live load on sheet S-000
Structural02/06/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. Due to the project’s scope of work, Special Inspections will be required. Please submit the Statement of Special Inspections (SSI) packet. This statement is to be prepared by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER), and is used for identifying the structural items that require special inspection. (1) The SSI shall cover the special inspection requirements for the completion of the project. (2) All fields on the SSI must be completed. For irrelevant items, please mark N/A. All relevant items must be marked with the SIER/SER initials. For items not specified in the Statement, please write in the inspection in the field marked “other inspection” on page 59. (3) The SSI shall be signed by the Struct
Structural04/09/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. As per comment response, there is no SSI packet uploaded for review. In addition, please have the GC information on page 43 including address, phone, and email. Also, provide the GC signature on page 61.
Structural04/09/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. As per comment response, there is no SSI packet uploaded for review. In addition, please have the GC information on page 43 including address, phone, and email. Also, provide the GC signature on page 61.
Structural04/09/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. As per comment response, there is no SSI packet uploaded for review. In addition, please have the GC information on page 43 including address, phone, and email. Also, provide the GC signature on page 61.
Structural 04/09/2020ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. As per comment response, there is no SSI packet uploaded for review. In addition, please have the GC information on page 43 including address, phone, and email. Also, provide the GC signature on page 61.
Zoning02/11/2020ApprovedPlease be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming upon submission of revised plans. A comment response letter is required.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved1. Are there lights to be added to the outside façade or is all the lighting interior? Any additional exterior lighting or changes to the façade will require an administrative change.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved2. Please verify that all facades will maintain the required transparency (meaning that there will be no displays, etc blocking the windows).
Zoning02/11/2020Approved3. It appears that cart corrals will be installed in the garage. Please provide a more comprehensive floor plan, as it appears this may be changing some parking spaces. If this is changing the parking layout (but you will still be within the required parking ratio), an administrative change is required.
Zoning02/11/2020ApprovedPlease be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming upon submission of revised plans. A comment response letter is required.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved1. Are there lights to be added to the outside façade or is all the lighting interior? Any additional exterior lighting or changes to the façade will require an administrative change.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved2. Please verify that all facades will maintain the required transparency (meaning that there will be no displays, etc blocking the windows).
Zoning02/11/2020Approved3. It appears that cart corrals will be installed in the garage. Please provide a more comprehensive floor plan, as it appears this may be changing some parking spaces. If this is changing the parking layout (but you will still be within the required parking ratio), an administrative change is required.
Zoning02/11/2020ApprovedPlease be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming upon submission of revised plans. A comment response letter is required.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved1. Are there lights to be added to the outside façade or is all the lighting interior? Any additional exterior lighting or changes to the façade will require an administrative change.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved2. Please verify that all facades will maintain the required transparency (meaning that there will be no displays, etc blocking the windows).
Zoning02/11/2020Approved3. It appears that cart corrals will be installed in the garage. Please provide a more comprehensive floor plan, as it appears this may be changing some parking spaces. If this is changing the parking layout (but you will still be within the required parking ratio), an administrative change is required.
Zoning02/11/2020RejectedPlease be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming upon submission of revised plans. A comment response letter is required.
Zoning02/11/2020Rejected1. Are there lights to be added to the outside façade or is all the lighting interior? Any additional exterior lighting or changes to the façade will require an administrative change.
Zoning02/11/2020Rejected2. Please verify that all facades will maintain the required transparency (meaning that there will be no displays, etc blocking the windows).
Zoning02/11/2020Rejected3. It appears that cart corrals will be installed in the garage. Please provide a more comprehensive floor plan, as it appears this may be changing some parking spaces. If this is changing the parking layout (but you will still be within the required parking ratio), an administrative change is required.
Zoning02/11/2020RejectedPlease be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming upon submission of revised plans. A comment response letter is required.
Zoning02/11/2020Rejected1. Are there lights to be added to the outside façade or is all the lighting interior? Any additional exterior lighting or changes to the façade will require an administrative change.
Zoning02/11/2020Rejected2. Please verify that all facades will maintain the required transparency (meaning that there will be no displays, etc blocking the windows).
Zoning02/11/2020Rejected3. It appears that cart corrals will be installed in the garage. Please provide a more comprehensive floor plan, as it appears this may be changing some parking spaces. If this is changing the parking layout (but you will still be within the required parking ratio), an administrative change is required.
Zoning02/11/2020ApprovedPlease be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming upon submission of revised plans. A comment response letter is required.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved1. Are there lights to be added to the outside façade or is all the lighting interior? Any additional exterior lighting or changes to the façade will require an administrative change.
Zoning02/11/2020Approved2. Please verify that all facades will maintain the required transparency (meaning that there will be no displays, etc blocking the windows).
Zoning02/11/2020Approved3. It appears that cart corrals will be installed in the garage. Please provide a more comprehensive floor plan, as it appears this may be changing some parking spaces. If this is changing the parking layout (but you will still be within the required parking ratio), an administrative change is required.
Zoning 02/11/2020RejectedPlease be advised that additional comments may be forthcoming upon submission of revised plans. A comment response letter is required.
Zoning 02/11/2020Rejected1. Are there lights to be added to the outside façade or is all the lighting interior? Any additional exterior lighting or changes to the façade will require an administrative change.
Zoning 02/11/2020Rejected2. Please verify that all facades will maintain the required transparency (meaning that there will be no displays, etc blocking the windows).
Zoning 02/11/2020Rejected3. It appears that cart corrals will be installed in the garage. Please provide a more comprehensive floor plan, as it appears this may be changing some parking spaces. If this is changing the parking layout (but you will still be within the required parking ratio), an administrative change is required.
Zoning03/25/2021RejectedWith the new floor layout, please provide more information/elevations on how you will continue to meet condition 26.G.2 of the approved site plan: 26.G.2 -- Window Transparency. The Developer agrees that all new retail storefronts along the Crystal Drive and 15th Street frontages are required to have an overall minimum transparency of 50% as measured from floor to ceiling. In addition, the portion of the new retail storefront that is located between three and eight feet from grade is required to be at least 80% transparent. The purpose of this condition is to allow pedestrians to view the activity within the retail establishment and to allow patrons and employees of the retail establishments to view the activity on the sidewalk and stree
Zoning04/19/2021RejectedWith the new floor layout, please provide more information/elevations on how you will continue to meet condition 26.G.2 of the approved site plan: 26.G.2 -- Window Transparency. The Developer agrees that all new retail storefronts along the Crystal Drive and 15th Street frontages are required to have an overall minimum transparency of 50% as measured from floor to ceiling. In addition, the portion of the new retail storefront that is located between three and eight feet from grade is required to be at least 80% transparent. The purpose of this condition is to allow pedestrians to view the activity within the retail establishment and to allow patrons and employees of the retail establishments to view the activity on the sidewalk and stree
Zoning05/07/2021ApprovedWith the new floor layout, please provide more information/elevations on how you will continue to meet condition 26.G.2 of the approved site plan: 26.G.2 -- Window Transparency. The Developer agrees that all new retail storefronts along the Crystal Drive and 15th Street frontages are required to have an overall minimum transparency of 50% as measured from floor to ceiling. In addition, the portion of the new retail storefront that is located between three and eight feet from grade is required to be at least 80% transparent. The purpose of this condition is to allow pedestrians to view the activity within the retail establishment and to allow patrons and employees of the retail establishments to view the activity on the sidewalk and stree
Zoning05/07/2021ApprovedWith the new floor layout, please provide more information/elevations on how you will continue to meet condition 26.G.2 of the approved site plan: 26.G.2 -- Window Transparency. The Developer agrees that all new retail storefronts along the Crystal Drive and 15th Street frontages are required to have an overall minimum transparency of 50% as measured from floor to ceiling. In addition, the portion of the new retail storefront that is located between three and eight feet from grade is required to be at least 80% transparent. The purpose of this condition is to allow pedestrians to view the activity within the retail establishment and to allow patrons and employees of the retail establishments to view the activity on the sidewalk and stree
Zoning05/07/2021ApprovedWith the new floor layout, please provide more information/elevations on how you will continue to meet condition 26.G.2 of the approved site plan: 26.G.2 -- Window Transparency. The Developer agrees that all new retail storefronts along the Crystal Drive and 15th Street frontages are required to have an overall minimum transparency of 50% as measured from floor to ceiling. In addition, the portion of the new retail storefront that is located between three and eight feet from grade is required to be at least 80% transparent. The purpose of this condition is to allow pedestrians to view the activity within the retail establishment and to allow patrons and employees of the retail establishments to view the activity on the sidewalk and stree
Zoning05/07/2021ApprovedWith the new floor layout, please provide more information/elevations on how you will continue to meet condition 26.G.2 of the approved site plan: 26.G.2 -- Window Transparency. The Developer agrees that all new retail storefronts along the Crystal Drive and 15th Street frontages are required to have an overall minimum transparency of 50% as measured from floor to ceiling. In addition, the portion of the new retail storefront that is located between three and eight feet from grade is required to be at least 80% transparent. The purpose of this condition is to allow pedestrians to view the activity within the retail establishment and to allow patrons and employees of the retail establishments to view the activity on the sidewalk and stree
Zoning 08/07/2020RejectedWith the addition of "anti-graffiti window film" to the ground level windows, how does this affect the transparency of the windows? Does it change the look of the windows at all? Was this approved in any type of facade review?
Zoning 08/07/2020RejectedPlease note that all exterior signage requires a separate permitting process.
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedWith the addition of "anti-graffiti window film" to the ground level windows, how does this affect the transparency of the windows? Does it change the look of the windows at all? Was this approved in any type of facade review?
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedPlease note that all exterior signage requires a separate permitting process.
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedWith the addition of "anti-graffiti window film" to the ground level windows, how does this affect the transparency of the windows? Does it change the look of the windows at all? Was this approved in any type of facade review?
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedPlease note that all exterior signage requires a separate permitting process.
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedWith the addition of "anti-graffiti window film" to the ground level windows, how does this affect the transparency of the windows? Does it change the look of the windows at all? Was this approved in any type of facade review?
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedPlease note that all exterior signage requires a separate permitting process.
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedWith the addition of "anti-graffiti window film" to the ground level windows, how does this affect the transparency of the windows? Does it change the look of the windows at all? Was this approved in any type of facade review?
Zoning08/07/2020ApprovedPlease note that all exterior signage requires a separate permitting process.
Zoning08/07/2020RejectedWith the addition of "anti-graffiti window film" to the ground level windows, how does this affect the transparency of the windows? Does it change the look of the windows at all? Was this approved in any type of facade review?
Zoning08/07/2020RejectedPlease note that all exterior signage requires a separate permitting process.
Zoning08/07/2020RejectedWith the addition of "anti-graffiti window film" to the ground level windows, how does this affect the transparency of the windows? Does it change the look of the windows at all? Was this approved in any type of facade review?
Zoning08/07/2020RejectedPlease note that all exterior signage requires a separate permitting process.