Permit Comments
Permit #B2200872
Address2039 WILSON BLVD
Applied Date02/05/2022
Approved Date 
Date Issued 

ReviewReview DateStatusComments
Building05/10/2022RejectedSheet G-400 Life Safety Plan: Please add street names or a site plan to orient the building and building entrances.
Building05/10/2022ApprovedSheet G-400 Life Safety Plan: Please add street names or a site plan to orient the building and building entrances.
Building05/10/2022RejectedSheet G-400 Life Safety Plan: Please add street names or a site plan to orient the building and building entrances.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-603 Finish Details: Detail 6 and where else it occurs, non-combustible construction or note as FRT to comply with 603.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet T-100 Cover Sheet: Include in the code analysis if this is a non-separated mixed use or separated mixed use building. The building is noted as fully sprinklered. Clarify if the entire building is an A-2. Otherwise, a 1 hour separation between uses may be required per Table 508.4, and a UL listed design shown as well as UL penetrations of a rated assembly.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-100 Floor Plan: Maintain 44" clear width corridors, per section 1020.2 VCC 2018. The total occupant load is taken into account, not split by number of exits.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Note 253 - The required min. width shall be not less than tht specified in Table 1020.2 VCC 2018. A facility with an occupant load of more than 50 people, and not a Use group covered in this Table, requires 44 inch min. width corridors. Also from the occupant load on the cover sheet, the dining and queuing = 60 people. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Show required accessible seating on the plan. Refer to section 1108.2.9.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-601 Construction Details Door_Window: Note plywood sheathing as FRT to comply with 603.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 1 is "ETR", however note 7 states it is a Locknet security door and complete door, frame and hardware to be provided by a vendor. Is this door ETR or a new door, and please clarify what a "Locknet security door" is, and the locking function must be provided. This door requires panic hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 7 requires panic hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Provide locking function for doors 3 & 6 on plan. Free egress from Kitchen required.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 7 is noted with note 17, 20 min rated door. If the stair is 1 hour rating then the door is required to be 1 hour fire rated per Table 716.1(2) VCC 2018. This door is required to be self closing as well. It also serves an occupant load of 50 or more and requires fire exit hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-601 Construction Details Door_Window: Note plywood sheathing as FRT to comply with 603.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 1 is "ETR", however note 7 states it is a Locknet security door and complete door, frame and hardware to be provided by a vendor. Is this door ETR or a new door, and please clarify what a "Locknet security door" is, and the locking function must be provided. This door requires panic hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 7 requires panic hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Provide locking function for doors 3 & 6 on plan. Free egress from Kitchen required.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 7 is noted with note 17, 20 min rated door. If the stair is 1 hour rating then the door is required to be 1 hour fire rated per Table 716.1(2) VCC 2018. This door is required to be self closing as well. It also serves an occupant load of 50 or more and requires fire exit hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-603 Finish Details: Detail 6 and where else it occurs, non-combustible construction or note as FRT to comply with 603.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet T-100 Cover Sheet: Include in the code analysis if this is a non-separated mixed use or separated mixed use building. The building is noted as fully sprinklered. Clarify if the entire building is an A-2. Otherwise, a 1 hour separation between uses may be required per Table 508.4, and a UL listed design shown as well as UL penetrations of a rated assembly.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-100 Floor Plan: Maintain 44" clear width corridors, per section 1020.2 VCC 2018. The total occupant load is taken into account, not split by number of exits.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Note 253 - The required min. width shall be not less than tht specified in Table 1020.2 VCC 2018. A facility with an occupant load of more than 50 people, and not a Use group covered in this Table, requires 44 inch min. width corridors. Also from the occupant load on the cover sheet, the dining and queuing = 60 people. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022ApprovedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Show required accessible seating on the plan. Refer to section 1108.2.9.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet T-100 Cover Sheet: Include in the code analysis if this is a non-separated mixed use or separated mixed use building. The building is noted as fully sprinklered. Clarify if the entire building is an A-2. Otherwise, a 1 hour separation between uses may be required per Table 508.4, and a UL listed design shown as well as UL penetrations of a rated assembly.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-603 Finish Details: Detail 6 and where else it occurs, non-combustible construction or note as FRT to comply with 603.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Show compliance on the plan with section 1403.2 VCC 2018 at new exterior wall infill.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet G-001 Cover Sheet: Include in the code analysis if this is a non-separated mixed use or separated mixed use building. The building is noted as fully sprinklered. Clarify if the entire building is an A-2. Otherwise, a 1 hour separation between uses may be required per Table 508.4, and a UL listed design shown as well as UL penetrations of a rated assembly.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-100 Floor Plan: Maintain 44" clear width corridors, per section 1020.2 VCC 2018. The total occupant load is taken into account, not split by number of exits.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Note 253 - The required min. width shall be not less than tht specified in Table 1020.2 VCC 2018. A facility with an occupant load of more than 50 people, and not a Use group covered in this Table, requires 44 inch min. width corridors. Also from the occupant load on the cover sheet, the dining and queuing = 60 people. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Show required accessible seating on the plan. Refer to section 1108.2.9.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedFile names should match the sheet number and sheet description. The system will allow you to rename files. Please rename files first, so that the sheet numbers are identified in the file name, before uploading any revised drawings. Then, whichever sheets need to be revised, their file name should match that which is in the system.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-601 Construction Details Door_Window: Note plywood sheathing as FRT to comply with 603.1 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 1 is "ETR", however note 7 states it is a Locknet security door and complete door, frame and hardware to be provided by a vendor. Is this door ETR or a new door, and please clarify what a "Locknet security door" is, and the locking function must be provided. This door requires panic hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 7 requires panic hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Provide locking function for doors 3 & 6 on plan. Free egress from Kitchen required.
Building05/11/2022RejectedSheet A-102 Door and Window Elevations and Schedules: Door 7 is noted with note 17, 20 min rated door. If the stair is 1 hour rating then the door is required to be 1 hour fire rated per Table 716.1(2) VCC 2018. This door is required to be self closing as well. It also serves an occupant load of 50 or more and requires fire exit hardware per section 1010.1.10 VCC 2018. Show compliance on the plan.
Building05/12/2022RejectedSheet T-100 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building05/12/2022RejectedSheet G-001 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building05/12/2022RejectedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Provide site plan showing all property lines, fire separation distances and allowable openings in exterior walls. Table 601 (IIIB), Table 602, Table 705.8 VCC 2018.
Building05/12/2022RejectedSheet X - AccessibilityComplianceForm2012: New design complying with chapter 11 VCC and A117.1 2009, are not considered accessible upgrades. An accessible upgrade is taking an existing condition that does not comply, and altering it so that it does comply with accessibility requirements of the VCC. If the building is considered fully accessible meeting the accessibility requirements in the VCC, then Box 1 may be checked. If there are still elements of this facility that need to be upgraded, and the alterations within this permit will have the building fully compliant, then box 3 may be checked and those upgrades must be shown on the plans. If upgrades are still required but would exceed more than 20% of the proposed alterations, then Box 4
Building05/12/2022RejectedSheet T-100 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building05/12/2022RejectedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Provide site plan showing all property lines, fire separation distances and allowable openings in exterior walls. Table 601 (IIIB), Table 602, Table 705.8 VCC 2018.
Building05/12/2022ApprovedSheet T-100 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building05/12/2022ApprovedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Provide site plan showing all property lines, fire separation distances and allowable openings in exterior walls. Table 601 (IIIB), Table 602, Table 705.8 VCC 2018.
Building06/10/2022RejectedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: CANOPY ATTACHMENT TO BUILDING NOT REVIEWED OR APPROVED. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW AS ACTIVE REVISION. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Comment will remain open for inspector and plan reviewer. No further response is required.
Building06/10/2022ApprovedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: CANOPY ATTACHMENT TO BUILDING NOT REVIEWED OR APPROVED. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW AS ACTIVE REVISION. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Comment will remain open for inspector and plan reviewer. No further response is required.
Building06/13/2022ApprovedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Show compliance on the plan with section 1403.2 VCC 2018 at new exterior wall infill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Note 430 - FRT permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less.
Building06/13/2022ApprovedFile names should match the sheet number and sheet description. The system will allow you to rename files. Please rename files first, so that the sheet numbers are identified in the file name, before uploading any revised drawings. Then, whichever sheets need to be revised, their file name should match that which is in the system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/13/2022: For future reference, on future permit submissions, please name file names to match the drawing sheets on the drawing index, and the sheets listed on the drawing index match the corresponding sheet number and description.
Building06/13/2022RejectedSheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Show compliance on the plan with section 1403.2 VCC 2018 at new exterior wall infill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Note 430 - FRT permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less.
Building06/13/2022RejectedFile names should match the sheet number and sheet description. The system will allow you to rename files. Please rename files first, so that the sheet numbers are identified in the file name, before uploading any revised drawings. Then, whichever sheets need to be revised, their file name should match that which is in the system. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/13/2022: For future reference, on future permit submissions, please name file names to match the drawing sheets on the drawing index, and the sheets listed on the drawing index match the corresponding sheet number and description.
Building06/14/2022ApprovedSheet X - AccessibilityComplianceForm2012: New design complying with chapter 11 VCC and A117.1 2009, are not considered accessible upgrades. An accessible upgrade is taking an existing condition that does not comply, and altering it so that it does comply with accessibility requirements of the VCC. If the building is considered fully accessible meeting the accessibility requirements in the VCC, then Box 1 may be checked. If there are still elements of this facility that need to be upgraded, and the alterations within this permit will have the building fully compliant, then box 3 may be checked and those upgrades must be shown on the plans. If upgrades are still required but would exceed more than 20% of the proposed alterations, then Box 4
Building06/14/2022RejectedSheet X - AccessibilityComplianceForm2012: New design complying with chapter 11 VCC and A117.1 2009, are not considered accessible upgrades. An accessible upgrade is taking an existing condition that does not comply, and altering it so that it does comply with accessibility requirements of the VCC. If the building is considered fully accessible meeting the accessibility requirements in the VCC, then Box 1 may be checked. If there are still elements of this facility that need to be upgraded, and the alterations within this permit will have the building fully compliant, then box 3 may be checked and those upgrades must be shown on the plans. If upgrades are still required but would exceed more than 20% of the proposed alterations, then Box 4
Building06/15/2022RejectedSheet G-500 Site Plan: It appears from Arlington County property map, that 2039 Wilson and the adjacent paved property, are two separate parcels, although owned by the same owner - parcels 16030002 & 16030003. These two parcels will need to be consolidated into one, if a new opening is to be provided.
Building06/15/2022ApprovedSheet G-500 Site Plan: It appears from Arlington County property map, that 2039 Wilson and the adjacent paved property, are two separate parcels, although owned by the same owner - parcels 16030002 & 16030003. These two parcels will need to be consolidated into one, if a new opening is to be provided.
DES:Water/Sewer Engineering05/05/2022NOTATIONctbo int alt confirming existing fixtures
DES:Water/Sewer Engineering06/07/2022Approvedctbo 32 new dfus
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit set includes a hot water recirculation pump. It is unclear how this pump is controlled in a manner that satisfies the requirements of section (Temperature Maintenance Controls) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. This section requires that the pump be fitted with controls that can be set to switch off the usage temperature maintenance system when hot water is not required, such as unoccupied mode. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to show hot water recirculation pump controls that satisfy the requirements of section of ASHRAE 90.1-2013.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water recirculation system is part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the hot water supply and return lines will be insulated in accordance with section 7.4.3 of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, expand the drawings to include a hot water piping insulation schedule on the drawings. State on the drawings that the hot water supply and return piping will be insulated in accordance with the table.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit submission includes two new air handlers, AHU-1 and AHU-2 that exceed 54,000 BTU/h cooling capacity. It is unclear if these units satisfy the economizer requirements of Section 6.5.1 of ASHRAE 90.1-2013 (Economizers). In the resubmission, show a design that satisfies the requirements of this section.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit set indicates that new building thermal envelope doors and windows are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the air infiltration rate of the windows and doors and it is unclear if the windows and doors satisfy the air infiltration requirements of section (Fenestration and Doors) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, state the air infiltration rates of all fenestration and doors on the drawings.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit set indicates that new building thermal envelope doors and windows are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the U-factor and SHGC of the windows and doors and it is unclear if the windows and doors satisfy the requirements of Table 5.5.4 (Building Envelope Requirements for Climate Zone 4) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, state the maximum allowable U-factor and maximum allowable SHGC of all fenestration and doors on the drawings.
Energy05/16/2022ApprovedThe permit set includes a hot water recirculation pump. It is unclear how this pump is controlled in a manner that satisfies the requirements of section (Temperature Maintenance Controls) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. This section requires that the pump be fitted with controls that can be set to switch off the usage temperature maintenance system when hot water is not required, such as unoccupied mode. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to show hot water recirculation pump controls that satisfy the requirements of section of ASHRAE 90.1-2013.
Energy05/16/2022ApprovedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water recirculation system is part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the hot water supply and return lines will be insulated in accordance with section 7.4.3 of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, expand the drawings to include a hot water piping insulation schedule on the drawings. State on the drawings that the hot water supply and return piping will be insulated in accordance with the table.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit set includes a hot water recirculation pump. It is unclear how this pump is controlled in a manner that satisfies the requirements of section (Temperature Maintenance Controls) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. This section requires that the pump be fitted with controls that can be set to switch off the usage temperature maintenance system when hot water is not required, such as unoccupied mode. In the resubmission, revise the drawings to show hot water recirculation pump controls that satisfy the requirements of section of ASHRAE 90.1-2013.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe plumbing drawings indicate that a hot water recirculation system is part of the scope of the permit. It is unclear if the hot water supply and return lines will be insulated in accordance with section 7.4.3 of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, expand the drawings to include a hot water piping insulation schedule on the drawings. State on the drawings that the hot water supply and return piping will be insulated in accordance with the table.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe drawings have included an incomplete interior lighting COMcheck as a supplemental sheet to the submission. The interior lighting COMcheck must be submitted on a full size sheet that is stamped and signed. In the resubmission, include a complete interior lighting COMcheck calculation on a full-size stamped and signed sheet in the drawing set.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit submission includes two new air handlers, AHU-1 and AHU-2 that exceed 54,000 BTU/h cooling capacity. It is unclear if these units satisfy the economizer requirements of Section 6.5.1 of ASHRAE 90.1-2013 (Economizers). In the resubmission, show a design that satisfies the requirements of this section.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit set indicates that new building thermal envelope doors and windows are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the air infiltration rate of the windows and doors and it is unclear if the windows and doors satisfy the air infiltration requirements of section (Fenestration and Doors) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, state the air infiltration rates of all fenestration and doors on the drawings.
Energy05/16/2022RejectedThe permit set indicates that new building thermal envelope doors and windows are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the U-factor and SHGC of the windows and doors and it is unclear if the windows and doors satisfy the requirements of Table 5.5.4 (Building Envelope Requirements for Climate Zone 4) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, state the maximum allowable U-factor and maximum allowable SHGC of all fenestration and doors on the drawings.
Energy05/16/2022ApprovedThe permit submission includes two new air handlers, AHU-1 and AHU-2 that exceed 54,000 BTU/h cooling capacity. It is unclear if these units satisfy the economizer requirements of Section 6.5.1 of ASHRAE 90.1-2013 (Economizers). In the resubmission, show a design that satisfies the requirements of this section.
Energy05/16/2022ApprovedThe permit set indicates that new building thermal envelope doors and windows are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the air infiltration rate of the windows and doors and it is unclear if the windows and doors satisfy the air infiltration requirements of section (Fenestration and Doors) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, state the air infiltration rates of all fenestration and doors on the drawings.
Energy05/16/2022ApprovedThe permit set indicates that new building thermal envelope doors and windows are part of the scope of the permit. The drawings do not state the U-factor and SHGC of the windows and doors and it is unclear if the windows and doors satisfy the requirements of Table 5.5.4 (Building Envelope Requirements for Climate Zone 4) of ASHRAE 90.1-2013. In the resubmission, state the maximum allowable U-factor and maximum allowable SHGC of all fenestration and doors on the drawings.
Energy06/13/2022ApprovedThe drawings have included an incomplete interior lighting COMcheck as a supplemental sheet to the submission. The interior lighting COMcheck must be submitted on a full size sheet that is stamped and signed. In the resubmission, include a complete interior lighting COMcheck calculation on a full-size stamped and signed sheet in the drawing set. ***6-23-2022*** Comment partially addressed. An interior lighting COMcheck has been included but the COMcheck is incomplete. The allowed interior lighting calculation has been left blank and marked as "Activity type invalid." A complete interior lighting COMcheck calculation is required.
Energy06/13/2022RejectedThe drawings have included an incomplete interior lighting COMcheck as a supplemental sheet to the submission. The interior lighting COMcheck must be submitted on a full size sheet that is stamped and signed. In the resubmission, include a complete interior lighting COMcheck calculation on a full-size stamped and signed sheet in the drawing set. ***6-23-2022*** Comment partially addressed. An interior lighting COMcheck has been included but the COMcheck is incomplete. The allowed interior lighting calculation has been left blank and marked as "Activity type invalid." A complete interior lighting COMcheck calculation is required.
Mechanical05/06/2022ApprovedPlease provide proper access per section 306.1 VMC2018 regarding DH-1.
Mechanical05/06/2022ApprovedProvide clarity regarding make up air for kitchen exhaust system per section 508.1 VMC2018
Mechanical05/06/2022ApprovedProvide kitchen ventilation requirements per section 403.2 and table 403.3.1 (cooking) VMC2018.
Mechanical05/06/2022RejectedPlease provide proper access per section 306.1 VMC2018 regarding DH-1.
Mechanical05/06/2022RejectedProvide clarity regarding make up air for kitchen exhaust system per section 508.1 VMC2018
Mechanical05/06/2022RejectedProvide kitchen ventilation requirements per section 403.2 and table 403.3.1 (cooking) VMC2018.
Mechanical06/10/2022ApprovedPlease remove "For Reference Only" stamp. The permit is for construction purposes.
Mechanical06/10/2022RejectedPlease remove "For Reference Only" stamp. The permit is for construction purposes.
Plumbing05/12/2022Approved5-12-22 Pg P5 Please provide Gas piping material on Gas riser. 2018 VFGC 402
Plumbing05/12/2022ApprovedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Plumbing05/12/2022Approved5-12-22 Please provide GI calculations and Details for GI, 2018 VPC 1003
Plumbing05/12/2022Approved5-12-22 Pg P5 Please provide Gas piping material on Gas riser. 2018 VFGC 402
Plumbing05/12/2022ApprovedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Plumbing05/12/2022Approved5-12-22 Please provide GI calculations and Details for GI, 2018 VPC 1003
Plumbing05/12/2022Rejected5-12-22 Pg P5 Please provide Gas piping material on Gas riser. 2018 VFGC 402
Plumbing05/12/2022RejectedA Waste Water Survey Form is required. Please use the link provided. And forward it to Wilson Dodge the pretreatment coordinator at
Plumbing05/12/2022Rejected5-12-22 Please provide GI calculations and Details for GI, 2018 VPC 1003
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Provide an additional handwashing sink in the warewashing area. Show the additional sink on the revised plans.
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedConfirm there will be a certified food protection manager provided at the pre-opening inspection and at all hours of operation. See the list of approved providers;
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedProvide the proposed menu. The menu should include a consumer advisory disclosure and reminder for animal-derived foods offered raw or undercooked.
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedComplete and upload the Application for Foodservice Plan Review found on the Arlington County webpage.
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Provide an additional handwashing sink in the warewashing area. Show the additional sink on the revised plans.
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedConfirm there will be a certified food protection manager provided at the pre-opening inspection and at all hours of operation. See the list of approved providers;
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedProvide the proposed menu. The menu should include a consumer advisory disclosure and reminder for animal-derived foods offered raw or undercooked.
Public Health Division05/05/2022ApprovedComplete and upload the Application for Foodservice Plan Review found on the Arlington County webpage.
Public Health Division05/05/2022RejectedSheet A-200 Equipment and Seating Plan: Provide an additional handwashing sink in the warewashing area. Show the additional sink on the revised plans.
Public Health Division05/05/2022RejectedConfirm there will be a certified food protection manager provided at the pre-opening inspection and at all hours of operation. See the list of approved providers;
Public Health Division05/05/2022RejectedProvide the proposed menu. The menu should include a consumer advisory disclosure and reminder for animal-derived foods offered raw or undercooked.
Public Health Division05/05/2022RejectedComplete and upload the Application for Foodservice Plan Review found on the Arlington County webpage.
Structural05/12/2022RejectedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. Due to the project's scope of work, Special Inspections will be required. The statement of special inspection is used by the structural engineer of record (SER) to identify the structural items that require special inspection. This is a legal statement that shall be filled out by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER). All applicable item lines of inspection shall be initialed by both the structural engineer of record (SER) and the special inspection engineer of record (SIER). This statement must contain signatures from the following parties. • Owner • Structural Engineer of Record (SER) • Geotechnical Engineer of Record (GER) • Precast Concrete Engineer of Record (PER) (if applicable) • Special Inspection
Structural05/12/2022RejectedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. Due to the project's scope of work, Special Inspections will be required. The statement of special inspection is used by the structural engineer of record (SER) to identify the structural items that require special inspection. This is a legal statement that shall be filled out by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER). All applicable item lines of inspection shall be initialed by both the structural engineer of record (SER) and the special inspection engineer of record (SIER). This statement must contain signatures from the following parties. • Owner • Structural Engineer of Record (SER) • Geotechnical Engineer of Record (GER) • Precast Concrete Engineer of Record (PER) (if applicable) • Special Inspection
Structural05/12/2022ApprovedSpecial Inspections: REJECTED. Due to the project's scope of work, Special Inspections will be required. The statement of special inspection is used by the structural engineer of record (SER) to identify the structural items that require special inspection. This is a legal statement that shall be filled out by the Structural Engineer of Record (SER). All applicable item lines of inspection shall be initialed by both the structural engineer of record (SER) and the special inspection engineer of record (SIER). This statement must contain signatures from the following parties. • Owner • Structural Engineer of Record (SER) • Geotechnical Engineer of Record (GER) • Precast Concrete Engineer of Record (PER) (if applicable) • Special Inspection
Zoning05/17/2022ApprovedNo signs are approved with this building permit. The applicant will need to apply for a separate sign permit. Sign Permit Application:
Zoning05/17/2022ApprovedProvide details about the parking spaces available for this restaurant.
Zoning05/17/2022RejectedProvide details about the parking spaces available for this restaurant.
Zoning05/17/2022RejectedNo signs are approved with this building permit. The applicant will need to apply for a separate sign permit. Sign Permit Application:
Zoning05/17/2022ApprovedNo signs are approved with this building permit. The applicant will need to apply for a separate sign permit. Sign Permit Application:
Zoning05/17/2022ApprovedProvide details about the parking spaces available for this restaurant.