Permit Comments Details
Permit #B1900393
Address3101 WILSON BLVD
TypeComm Int Alt
Permit HolderARMINCO INC.
Applied Date02/13/2019
Approved Date04/05/2019
Date Issued04/08/2019


Review Date03/19/2019
All projects are reviewed under the requirements outlined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. A written response letter must accompany plan revisions. Please contact the Plans Examiner for any clarification of the comments.
Permit #:    B1900393    Applicable Code:    VUSBC 2012 Edition
Project Name :        Plans Examiner:    Mohamed Ghiwane
Address:    3101 Wilson Blvd    Discipline:     Building
Review Date:    02/21/19    Phone Number:    703-228-0578
Review #:    2nd     Fax Number:    703-228-7046
Revision Date:    NA    Email:
    Sheet    Comments    Code Reference
1.    A1.0    An accessible family or assisted-use bathing room shall be provided. ************************ 03/19/19 The family assisted-use bathing room shall include an accessible shower or bathtub fixture as well as an accessible water closet and lavatory as required per Section 1109.2.1.3.    Section 1109.2.1
2.    A1.0    Doors 114 and 105 at men and women's accessible toilet compartment shall not swing into the required minimum area of the compartment. **************** 03/19/19 Resolved.    Section 604.9.3 of the 2009 ICC A117.1
3.    A1.0    Transfer type shower must be exactly 36" wide and 36" deep. **************** 03/19/19 Resolved.    Section 608.2.1.1 of the 2009 ICC A117.1
4.    A1.0    A clearance of 48" minimum in length measured perpendicular from the control wall shall be provided. Please note that forward approach is not permitted in this case. **************** 03/19/19 Resolved.    Section 608.2.1.2 of the 2009 ICC A117.1
5.    C-0    Occupant load at locker rooms shall be calculated at 50 SF/Occp. Please revise. **************** 03/19/19 It appears to be that men's and women's locker rooms is more than 173 SF (it's actually more than 1000 SF). Please revise.    Table 1004.1.2
6.    A1.0    Please clarify what is the use of VO2 Max 104 and CRYO 115 rooms. Also, please specify the occupant load factor used for each room. **************** 03/19/19 Resolved.    
7.    A1.0    It appears to be that the partition at men's accessible toilet compartment extends all the way to the floor. In this case the accessible toilet compartment shall be 66" x 62" if wall-hung water closet or 66"x 65" if floor mounted water closet is used. **************** 03/19/19 Resolved.    Section 604.9.2 of the 2009 ICC A117.1.
8.    A1.0    Infrared Sauna 114 must be accessible. Please provide a clear floor space complying with Section 304.3 of the 2009 A117.1. **************** 03/19/19 Resolved.    Section 1109.6
9.    A1.0    Please provide elevation details for the reception desk and show compliance with Section 904 of the 2009 ICC A117.1. **************** 03/19/19 Resolved.    
10.    A1.0    A bench complying with Section 903 of the 2009 ICC A117.1 is required at both locker rooms. **************** 03/19/19 Please provide elevation details for the accessible benches to show compliance with Section 803.4 & 903 of the 2009 ICC A117.1.    Section 803.4 of the 2009 ICC A117.1.
11.    A1.0    03/19/19 The family bathing room shall have a separate access without passing through the men's and women's locker rooms.    
12.    A1.0    03/19/19 Please clarify what is the use of the octagon shape element in SPA 115. If this is a jacuzzi (or a water vessel that can host a person) then it must be accessible.    Section 1109.1.3 of the 2009 ICC A117.1.
13.    A1.0    03/19/19 Based on the exit signs (Sheet E-1.0) and the occupant load served, door 116 must swing in into room 118.    Section 1008.1.2
14.    A1.0    03/19/19 Both existing entry and back exit doors must be provided with panic hardware. Please show on the plan that these doors are equipped with panic hardware.     Section 1008.1.10
15.        More comments can be generated during next review.