Review | Energy |
Review Date | 10/22/2019 |
Status | Approved |
Comments |
EN-5) comment dated 10-22-19: this comment has not been responded to. If the air barrier is to be created by the polyisocyanurate insulation, it will need to be called out as the air barrier, and it will need to be foil faced, per section C402., and any penetrations will need to be treated to maintain the air barrier per the manufacturer's requirements. If the air barrier is to be created at the CMU wall, then again, the CMU wall needs to meet the criteria of section C402. Call out on the details, which surface/material forms the air barrier. | ************************************************ | EN-5) comment dated 9-24-19: The response to the previous comment is not accepted. Arlington does not review specifications. Continuous air barrier is a mandatory code requirement on new building thermal envelope and needs to be called out on the drawings. Neither 4/A5.1 nor partition F on A1.1 illustrates nor calls out an EIFS material but 4/A5.1 illustrates and calls out a masonry finish, so the narrative response does not appear to reflect the evidence on the drawings. Call out on each detail of new building thermal envelope "continuous air barrier:". Per section C402.1.4.2. | ***********************************EN-5) comment dated 8-23-19: Detail 4/A5.1 and Partition type F on sheet A1.1. - call out on the drawing the "continuous air barrier" so I can confirm it meets section C402.4 Air Leakage. |