Building | 06/15/2022 | Approved |
Sheet G-500 Site Plan: It appears from Arlington County property map, that 2039 Wilson and the adjacent paved property, are two separate parcels, although owned by the same owner - parcels 16030002 & 16030003. These two parcels will need to be consolidated into one, if a new opening is to be provided.
Building | 06/15/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet G-500 Site Plan: It appears from Arlington County property map, that 2039 Wilson and the adjacent paved property, are two separate parcels, although owned by the same owner - parcels 16030002 & 16030003. These two parcels will need to be consolidated into one, if a new opening is to be provided.
Building | 06/14/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet X - AccessibilityComplianceForm2012: New design complying with chapter 11 VCC and A117.1 2009, are not considered accessible upgrades. An accessible upgrade is taking an existing condition that does not comply, and altering it so that it does comply with accessibility requirements of the VCC. If the building is considered fully accessible meeting the accessibility requirements in the VCC, more...
Building | 06/14/2022 | Approved |
Sheet X - AccessibilityComplianceForm2012: New design complying with chapter 11 VCC and A117.1 2009, are not considered accessible upgrades. An accessible upgrade is taking an existing condition that does not comply, and altering it so that it does comply with accessibility requirements of the VCC. If the building is considered fully accessible meeting the accessibility requirements in the VCC, more...
Building | 06/13/2022 | Approved |
File names should match the sheet number and sheet description. The system will allow you to rename files. Please rename files first, so that the sheet numbers are identified in the file name, before uploading any revised drawings. Then, whichever sheets need to be revised, their file name should match that which is in the more...
Building | 06/13/2022 | Approved |
Sheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Show compliance on the plan with section 1403.2 VCC 2018 at new exterior wall infill.
UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Note 430 - FRT permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less.
Building | 06/13/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Show compliance on the plan with section 1403.2 VCC 2018 at new exterior wall infill.
UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Note 430 - FRT permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less.
Building | 06/13/2022 | Rejected |
File names should match the sheet number and sheet description. The system will allow you to rename files. Please rename files first, so that the sheet numbers are identified in the file name, before uploading any revised drawings. Then, whichever sheets need to be revised, their file name should match that which is in the more...
Building | 06/10/2022 | Rejected |
UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Comment will remain open for inspector and plan reviewer. No further response is required.
Building | 06/10/2022 | Approved |
UPDATED REVIEW COMMENT 6/10/2022: Comment will remain open for inspector and plan reviewer. No further response is required.
Building | 05/12/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet G-001 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building | 05/12/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Provide site plan showing all property lines, fire separation distances and allowable openings in exterior walls. Table 601 (IIIB), Table 602, Table 705.8 VCC 2018.
Building | 05/12/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet X - AccessibilityComplianceForm2012: New design complying with chapter 11 VCC and A117.1 2009, are not considered accessible upgrades. An accessible upgrade is taking an existing condition that does not comply, and altering it so that it does comply with accessibility requirements of the VCC. If the building is considered fully accessible meeting the accessibility requirements in the VCC, more...
Building | 05/12/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet T-100 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building | 05/12/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet T-100 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building | 05/12/2022 | Rejected |
Sheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Provide site plan showing all property lines, fire separation distances and allowable openings in exterior walls. Table 601 (IIIB), Table 602, Table 705.8 VCC 2018.
Building | 05/12/2022 | Approved |
Sheet T-100 Cover Sheet: The construction type is IIIB. Exterior bearing walls are 2 hour fire rated.
Building | 05/12/2022 | Approved |
Sheet A-400 Exterior Elevations: Provide site plan showing all property lines, fire separation distances and allowable openings in exterior walls. Table 601 (IIIB), Table 602, Table 705.8 VCC 2018.
Building | 05/11/2022 | Approved |
Sheet T-100 Cover Sheet: Include in the code analysis if this is a non-separated mixed use or separated mixed use building. The building is noted as fully sprinklered. Clarify if the entire building is an A-2. Otherwise, a 1 hour separation between uses may be required per Table 508.4, and a UL listed design shown as well as UL penetrations of a rated assembly.
Building | 05/11/2022 | Approved |
Sheet A-601 Construction Details Door_Window: Note plywood sheathing as FRT to comply with 603.1 VCC 2018.
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